Do you ever look through Best of Craigslist, Casual Encounters, or pretty much any of the personals on the Craigslist website in your downtime? If no, then you really should from time to time. You'd be amazed and amused by some of the things you find.
I'm ridiculously hungry, but the kitchen is scary and we don't have any Hot Pockets, Tostinos, or equally easy to make items. I've become addicted to the veggie burritos at the drive thru Mexican restaurant down at Solano beach... pretty much Veggie burritos from any hole in the wall mexican place down here. They're amazing and I eat far too many. Plus, this particular restaurant stays open until 2 AM, and since I tend to get really hungry right around midnight or so, it works out well.
I bought my ticket for Maui yesterday and I've been in a light and airy mood ever since. I fly out on July 25th, at which time it will have been just over two years since I've been home. The trip about a month and then I'll head back here and start searching for a place in San Diego.
Jordo and I cut most of my hair off on Tuesday and then colored what was left of it
before taking off for Ventura for the night to hang out with her mom.
I have a lot more I could write about, but I've just reached that point where I'm so hungry I can't really concentrate.
We're going to EDC tonight. I'll let you know how that goes.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
"I would rather have one of my pet's die than have that puck go in my goal"
After this week I'm going to need a vacation from everybody elses vacation. Kyle came up for four days last week and then I drove him back to San Diego. On my way back up he coast on tuesday I picked up Jordo, and she'll be staying with me until I move on the 11th. Luke and danielle arrived on wednesday and are planning to be here until monday. My mom arrived yesterday and will be here until sunday. I can honestly say that I love having everyone here, especially since I don't have any work or school for some time now.
I picked my mom up yesterday morning at about 7AM and we went ahead to Louis diner on the Great hwy for breakfast. I'm going to miss that place. It's where Jordo and I always go at the start of our epic days. It's classic diner food and looks like it hasn't been redecorated a bit since the 60s. The best part is it sits directly on the edge of a cliff, so you have the most amazing view the whole time you're there.
Afterwards we headed down to Haight, but everything was still closed, so we decided to hit up the SFMOMA. We got lost on foot in the tenderloin for a while before finally making our way to the museum, and then spent a good couple of hours walking around. I love that place. Love, love, love that place. You'll just be strolling around going from painting to painting and then all of a sudden... Picasso, or Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, Pollack. It's exciting.
Then there were the questionable pieces... like "The Fountain". "The Fountain" is a urinal. In the middle of the room, up a top a pedestal, is a urinal. The plack on the side of the pedestal reads, "this is not art because I made it, but this is art because I chose it". And since choosing the original fountain, he has gone on to authorize some 25 more urinals to be "fountains". I think I should clarifly... this is not literally a fountain. This is a porcelain urinal, laid flat, that looks like it was picked up at the local home depot and dropped at the museum. Thats all. Nothings been done to it.
Afterwards we grabbed a bite at John's Grill, whish apparently is the setting of a sherlock homes novel.

After dropping mom off to get checked in, I met up with Jordan, Luke, and Daniel at home then met my mom and headed for little Italy for dinner. Dinner was amazing. We found the cutest little Italian spot right off Columbus and got the works. We hardly had room on the table between the wine, the bread, the cheese, the polenta, the salads. Luke and Daniel left afterwards to meet with a friend while Jordan, Mom, and I made a bee-line for Ghiradelli square. After a few irish coffee's at the Buena Vista we hopped on a cable car and headed home.

It's feels a little weird going to a bar with my mom.
It's feels a little weird going to a bar with my mom.
Today we're making the walk from the Golden Gate down to pier 39. Man, right now I need some coffee though.
Oh, and the headline is a recent quote pertaining to airhockey.
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