Coachella was a couple of weeks ago, and I'm already excited for next year. Kyle and I did the onsite camping and met up with some friends from Ventura. Vampire Weekend, MGMT, The Raconteurs, Rilo Kiley, Flogging Molly, Death Cab, Jack Johnson... I felt like someone turned my iPod upside down, shook it a couple of times, and a bunch of my favorite bands fell out and landed at Coachella... then I got to go and see them live. It was an amazing weekend, and it was really nice to get away from he city for a coupe of days.
School's been going well, and it's even better now that I'm coming up on the final week of the semester. I had my first final yesterday, and I have four more over the course of the next week. As long as finals go well (and I think they should) I'm likely to get three A's, a B, and a C, and two more credits for work study. The C is in Geography, and while I won't make a big deal about it on here, I will say that it's the first C I'll be getting in my college carreer and I'm not happy about it. I hate geography, and I never understood what the hell was going on in that class. Over all the semester has gone really well, but I'll be happy to put it behind me and start enjoying my summer.

My last day of work at the preschool was on Thursday, and it was hard to know that I won't get to see the kids again after I move. It's a relief to have one less thing to focus on, but after spending a year with the kids it's hard not to form a lot of attachments.
My final day at the Beach Chalet is the 27th. It's strange to think that I've
been working there for nearly a year now, especially considering the fact the I couldn't stand the place for the first few months. I love it now... well I like it now, but I love my coworkers. I also have to face the fact that I'll be hard pressed to find a job where I walk with over $150 a night... unless of course I take up stripping. I'm thinking about applying at some of the country clubs once I move to San Diego. There's a picture from inside the Chalet above. You can see the water and the view out the window. It was definitely nice location.
Someone is coming to pick up our couch in about ten minutes. Alison and i have started the process of selling everything we don't want anymore, and clearing the apartment out. We're going to move my bed out to the living room once the couch is gone, and I'll sleep out here and we'll use it as our "couch" until we move in a couple of weeks.
I've just realized that i didn't mention where I'm moving, or when and why. In a little over two weeks I'll be moving down to San Diego. It's the Carlsbad area, so North County San Diego if you want to get technical. I have one final semester at a JC before I'll be transfering to San Marcos State for Mass Media. I'll be living a lot closer to Kyle, which will be a nice change, and I'll finally be back in the warm weather. I love San francisco, but the cold weather is just too much for me to handle.
So my last day of work is on the 27th, and on the 28th Kyle's flying up. We've got tickets to go to The Giants-Padres Game that Friday, and then we'll drive down to San Diego a couple of days later.
After I drop him in SD, I'm headed up to L.A. for a night, and then Jordo and I are going to drive back up to SF for a week just to enoy it and then take the last of my things south. It's funny, a year ago Jordan and I were driving up to san Francisco to move me in, and now Jordo and I will be driving up to move me out.
I convinced my mom to come up for a couple of days before I leave, so she'll be here the same time as Jordo. It'll be nice to show her around where I lived and workd for a year.
I'm still going to try to make it out to Maui ove the summer, only now I don't know for how long. I'll be 21 the beginning of July, and I want to be in california with my friends for that. I'm not making any big plans for my birthday... that's still over a month away. I'll probably try make it out to Maui for the last three weeks of July, and then make it back in time to start school in the fall.
Ok, well this is getting ridiculously long, and I have some lauudry that really needs some doing. Wish me luck with my finals over this next week...
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