Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'll be going to school for the rest of my life...

Lately I've been looking a lot into nursing programs. By the year 2016 it's predicted that there will be a nursing shortage of around 500,000 nurses, and most likely far more than that.
It only requires a two year associates (which is actually closer closer to 3-1/2 when you count the programs' prerequisites). The downside though is that the majority of the programs have waiting lists of two to three years... and you can't apply to the program until you've finished the first year or so of prerequisites.
So here is the new plan...
I was originally going to transfer to San Marcos state for Mass Media. Well, by majoring in Mass Media I'm pretty sure I would end up selling my soul somewhere down the line to a corporate advertisement agency, and while I'm fairly certain that I would be really good at it, and I could make very decent money, I think I'd be pretty disappointed with a life of promoting the consumer lifestyle.
So I'm changing my major to Social Sciences, which actually works out perfectly. I get to choose a primary field and two subfields to study. My primary field will most likely be psychology, and the subfields will be economics and political science. The major comes with the option of a single subject credential which would allow me to work as a high school teacher upon graduating and getting my credential.
So that's the first part of the new plan. Over the next six months while I'm waiting to transfer to San Marcos in the Spring I plan on taking the Licenced Vocational Nursing Prerequisites so that I can make it onto the two year waiting list by the end of the year. That way, upon graduation from San Marcos I can begin the LVN program almost immediately if I still want to. I'll have options. After becoming a LVN, there are programs to transition to becoming an RN. After that there are plenty of programs designed for RNs to obtain their Bachelor's of Science in Nursing which opens a lot more doors.
It's a career that has job security like no other right now, and has great entry level pay, but the thing I'm most drawn to are the career options. There are more work and volunteer-abroad options for nurses than nearly any other profession.
I'm planning on taking Spanish and pharmacology over the summer.
I'm completely aware of the fact that this whole "plan" will probably change drastically, and probably within the the next six months, but for now it's something that I'm excited about.
I have work at 7:30 tomorrow morning. I'm liking these early morning shifts. I should get to bed though. I just needed to clear my mind.

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